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Relief for Women Caught In Traumatizing Family Estrangement

"Trauma awareness is God’s invitation to new life, the kind only Jesus can provide," says Speaker and Author Sandra Allen Lovelace
"Trauma awareness is God’s invitation to new life, the kind only Jesus can provide," says Speaker and Author Sandra Allen Lovelace


Media Contact: Gregg Wooding, I AM PR 

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Dallas TX, January 10, 2025 – “The idea that a child might reject his parents is frightening,” says Anna Russell in her August 30, 2024 New Yorker article on Why So Many People Are Going “No Contact” with Their Parents. A simple cultural overview reveals more and more adults are indeed separated from their families whether from departure or rejection. The issue is more complex than opinions or values, betrayal or abuse, and appears to be rampant inside and outside the Church. Speaker Sandra Allen Lovelace offers support and encouragement to the women caught in the estrangement dynamic who find themselves abandoned and alone.

Speaker, Author, and Coach Sandra Allen Lovelace, is opening a door to this newly identified group of traumatized women through her valuable and effective trauma healing and recovery ministry. Built on what Jesus declares is the first and greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37-38, her Mind, Body, Spirit Framework addresses the intellectual, physical, and spiritual aspects of the Ephesians 2:10 adventure for women to reclaim their Design and revel in their Purpose.

One client’s words speak to the estrangement wound, Your delivery is so heartfelt and clearly researched and prayed about. Keep doing what you are clearly called to. The impact will spread across generations of women learning, growing, and thriving their way out of trauma! CW


Self-proclaimed Trauma Conqueror and Consultant, Lovelace calls trauma her lifelong companion, the kind that spews faulty perceptions, poor coping skills, and toxic ripples. She outlines the centrality of the Gospel in her own journey when she says, “Trauma awareness is God’s invitation to new life, the kind only Jesus can provide. Once He alerts you, the choice is yours.” Women can escape the grief and pain of Family Estrangement and live an Untethered life. By His grace, Jesus is redeeming, reviving, and restoring women to Himself for such a time as this.


About the Speaker Sandra Allen Lovelace offers women the information, affirmation, and inspiration needed to shift from an inner world of overwhelm into a life of peace. For more than 50 years, Sandra has visited and encouraged countless women on five continents, living on three and served in various settings and venues. She continues to share on this fresh topic internationally out of her professional education and personal experience. Find her full credentials and more, especially the free resources available at

Sandra Allen Lovelace

Trauma Conqueror, Consultant and Author


Sandra Allen Lovelace is a speaker, author, and coach. Raised in a small town on the Connecticut coast surrounded by family, adventures grew her from a country mouse to an international traveler. Two years at L’Abri under the Schaeffers taught her to view all of life through the Truths of Scripture and decades of inter-cultural service excite her about the common experiences of women. She delights in reaching out to support those who appear in her circle through Lifework Forum, the speaking and writing educational non-profit she started in 1991.

Encouraging women and their families for more than 50 years, 30+ as a pastor’s wife and missionary, Sandra has served on five continents and lived on three. Opportunities have ranged from intimate conversations to large events, courses and groups both in person and online. She provided a workshop for Leslie Vernick and a somatic mentor role for Dr. Aimie Apigian. Radio and television interviews are familiar, and retreats for women are at the top of her favorite activities. She won an early award at Greater Philadelphia Christian Writer’s Conference, a recent one at Carolina Christian Writers Conference, and a Top 50 Blogs medal from Fellowship of Christian Bloggers. Her curricula for children and materials for adults are well-received. Articles have appeared in local, national, and international print and online publications such as the Far East Broadcasting, and span decades. She has two books in print.

Sandra’s ministry grew through leadership inside and outside the church. Caring for women through individual coaching, teaching and writing Bible studies, organizing events, arranging international trips, ministering to missionaries on the field, and forming a regional women’s group often happened along side supporting, promoting, and advocating homeschooling all through various international in person and online offerings. These interpersonal experiences, her own fight for survival, plus her professional education and multiple certificates led her to develop the Mind, Body, Spirit Framework. She shares the unified healing and recovery principles in many similar settings to wrapped audiences.

Her revitalized focus allows Sandra to show women how to:    

• Recognize the signals of an internal overload    

• Understand the survival system Jesus built into us at creation    

• Access and adopt a unifying connection with their bodies    

• Reclaim their Ephesians 2:10 Design and Purpose    

• Enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to restore

Sandra enjoyed the New England weather where she grew up, becoming an avid sailor and skier. Currently a resident of South Carolina, she’s adapted to the friendlier seasons where she can hike year-round while carrying a camera and visiting a beach. She was married for 50 years and has two married daughters and four grandchildren. Sandra offers healing and recovery support at and Sandra Allen Lovelace.

Suggested Questions for Sandra Allen Lovelace

Speaker, Author, Coach - Trauma Conqueror and Consultant

  1. Why did you begin your speaking and writing career? 

  2. What caused you to consider the topic of trauma?

  3. Tell us about the Mind, Body, Spirit Framework and  how you developed it.

  4. What makes your approach different from others?

  5. Who are the women who benefit from your ministry?

  6. What is Family Estrangement and how did you learn  about it?

  7. What’s a common misconception about Estrangement?

  8. What tips might you give a woman in Estrangement?

  9. How would you describe the Untethered life?

  10. What do you see in the future of your ministry?

  11. What new book projects do you have in the works?

  12. What professional certifications and training do you hold?

  13. How might women who want to know more, reach you?

Trauma Awareness is God’s invitation to New Life, the kind only Jesus can provide!



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