Has God Given Up On Israel?
972-567-7660 / gregg@iampronline.com
New book unveils a little-known (but critical) part of God’s end-time plan
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – In the wake of the Israeli-Hamas war that began October 7, 2023, Veteran Author Gaylyn Williams posits that God’s great passion is for Israel. Her new book, titled Explore God’s Heart for Israel, takes readers on a biblical journey to discover what God is most passionate about, and how the church can play a part as He unfolds His end-time plan.
“Many people wonder how they can support Israel; but they may also wonder why bother to care about Israel at all. They may wonder, didn’t God give up on Israel and choose the Church instead?” says Williams. These questions and many others will be answered in Williams’ latest book through Bible studies, prayer guides, action points and more.
Williams, who lives part-time in Israel and serves the Messianic community there through her ministry, shares that “Aliyah”—Jewish people returning to live in Israel—is a precursor to Christ’s return. "This movement is already underway—but there’s much more to happen, and God has a part for you to play," she says.
Reviews from respected ministry leaders
Deborah Kellogg, Founder and Director of Cyrus Foundation, said “'Explore God’s Heart for Israel' is timely and significant as we are invited into one of the greatest movements of God in history. We need to raise up an army of ambassadors to share it with every believer.”
Chaim Malespin, Co-founder and Director of Aliyah Return Center, said “I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves the Bible and desires deeper revelation.”
Media Notes:
NRB Media interested in interviews with Gaylyn Williams should contact Gregg Wooding of I AM PR, 972-567-7660/ gregg@iampronline.com.
In each interview, Gaylyn will give away to all listeners a powerful resource kit about God’s heart for Israel, including Bible study and devotional eBooks.
About the author:
Gaylyn Williams is the executive director of Relationship Resources. She is an internationally recognized author of 41 books, and a dynamic inspirational and motivational speaker. Her passion for Israel and empowering people to transform their relationships with God and others is demonstrated through her powerful books and training.
Ms. Williams is best known for her practical, biblical approach to self-help. She addresses the struggles, disappointments and challenges common to all through her own personal experiences. Ms. Williams life-journey includes but is not limited to: abandonment as a child; deaths of her six-month-old son and her fiancé; sixteen years as a single mom raising two rambunctious sons, and betrayals by a close friend. Learn more about Gaylyn and Relationship Resources at www.RelationshipResources.org.
Suggested Interview Questions
Why did you write a book about Israel?
What message do you most want readers to take away from this book?
What were some surprises you found as you studied God’s heart for Israel?
How can Christians help Israel during their current war?
Why should we care about Israel? Hasn’t God given up on them?
What historical events will Israel experience before Christ returns?
Is it important for the Jews to return to Israel, and if so, why?
How can Christians partner with God in His heart for Israel?
How might the 2024 presidential elections impact Israel and America?
Please let us know where our listeners/readers can get a copy of your book, as well as the resource kit on God’s heart.
Other possible interview topics proven with tens of thousands of people worldwide:
Practical, biblical skills to manage stress that anyone can easily implement today and in the future.
Powerful, yet simple, skills to manage conflict with family, co-workers, friends and others.
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Press Release#2
972-567-7660 / gregg@iampronline.com
Biblical Solution to Stress Frees Americans 'At Last!'
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO – A 2023 survey found that Americans’ average stress levels are a five out of 10 (10 being the highest); 24% said their average stress is between 8 and 10. 47% said they wish they had help to manage their stress. Did you know stress causes many side effects, including mental health issues and chronic diseases? Where do you fit in these statistics and how do you manage your stress?
Gaylyn Williams and her father, Ken Williams (now deceased) wrote a very practical book on managing stress, All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go, and have trained a worldwide network to effectively manage their stress now and in the future. What is their secret? Proven, biblical principles! The book and training on stress guides individuals and groups through easy-to-apply skills to lower stress levels. The powerful principles can last a lifetime, enabling people to gain greater freedom from life’s ups and down.
Reviews from Respected Ministry Leaders:
Gary Wilkerson, President of World Challenge and Former Lead Pastor of The Springs Church, said “I recommend you read this important book. The biblical solutions and personal truths in this book can set your heart, mind and soul free. This book is a timely remedy for a culture consumed with pressure, over-scheduling, impossible deadlines and sleepless nights full of anxiety.”
Jerry Bridges, Author of 26 Books, Including “Trusting God,” said “Stress is a fact of life. … Now, relief is at hand. This book, if studied and applied, will provide you with the principles you need to manage your stress effectively. This book is thoroughly biblical, practical and authentic.”
Tim Westcott, Pastor of Idyllwild Bible Church, said “These principles work! Because the principles flow out of God’s Word, they are timeless and relevant in any context. The principles are easy to grasp and easy to hand off to others who are in the “stress crucible.”
Bob Creson, Former President and CEO, Wycliffe Bible Translators USA, said “Dr. Ken Williams and his daughter, Gaylyn, have teamed up to provide an excellent resource for believers who want to de-stress their lives through the application of God’s Word mixed with healthy counseling principles.”
George Stahnke, Director of Renewal Ministries said, “All Stressed up and Everywhere to Go is a refreshingly simple book filled with usable, practical advice in dealing with the stressors of life.”
Laura Mae Gardner, D.Min., Former International Training Consultant for Wycliffe Bible Translators, said “This father-daughter writing team has produced something profoundly useful for the Christian community. Authentic, soundly practical, occasionally funny, often heart-wrenching—you’ll love it!”
In each interview, listeners/readers will receive 52 free practical stress-management tips.
Suggested Interview Questions
How prevalent is stress in America these days?
How does stress affect people?
Why did you write All Stressed Up and Everywhere to Go?
What message do you most want readers/listeners to take away from this book?
What can our audience do today to help them with their stress levels?
How have you seen the principles you teach and write about transform people’s lives?
Where can our listeners/readers can get a copy of your book?
How can our audience get the 52 free stress-management tips you are giving away?
Two other possible topics for an interview with Gaylyn:
God’s heart for Israel and how it fits with the current war, giving people practical ways they can embrace God’s heart and play their part in God’s end-time plan.
Powerful, yet simple, skills to manage conflict with family, co-workers, friends and others, proven worldwide.