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In an industry where spin too often wins out over substance, I AM PR takes a less traveled road that frames client messages in basics many of us learned in kindergarten. You know, like: Truth preaches like no other message, and honesty is still the best policy. Accentuating positive facts of a story will still eliminate the potential for negative results, and yes, consistency of message will breed familiarity and the kind of customer loyalty that sticks. These are the things of a winning brand.

Your brand identity encompasses all things big and small, from logos to press kit covers to press statements to signature events. I AM PR and its strategic partners have done it all, and will leave no stone unturned in determining what makes your brand pop.

Media Relations

Getting your message, product or services into the light of day and before the right public takes skills. It’s definitely not a job for the faint of heart. By phone, email or snail mail, I AM PR jumps through closing windows of opportunity with only a matter of minutes to pique media interest. When all goes according to plan, your message will survive the Bermuda Triangle of inboxes, voicemail boxes and primitive mail carts to reach designated journalists.

Rest assured, I AM PR will call on its strong relationships with secular and religious press that span almost two decades - so you don’t have to. Top-tier national, regional and localized online, print and broadcast media outlets are principal players in getting your message and product to the center of the public eye - and into its hands.

Book Publicity

Bringing authors and their stories to the market surface is a process. Imagination, time-tested pr strategy, intense media follow-up, guerilla and traditional marketing, and attention to detail are elements that transform the good into the best-seller. Usually from four to six months before a new book or resource releases, book publishers, best-selling authors and first-timers alike hire I AM PR to develop and execute promotional campaigns, tailored to their specific tastes, mission, and target audiences.


One hundred feet above the town square PT Barnum once walked a tightrope to promote his burgeoning three-ring circus.  Nearly 200 years later, promotional events—live, recorded, and virtual—remain a centerpiece of effective public relations. Though I AM PR won’t leave you hanging from a high wire, we will encourage creativity that just might lead you outside the box to the center of public exposure. No longer considered gimmicks, new media offer new languages with unique power of expression.

While less innovative forums like press conferences, media tours, speaking engagements, and book signings are not passé, technology and the internet have paved the way for connecting with virtual communities through popular blog tours and alternate reality games (ARG).


Like the almighty dollar to the U.S. economy, press releases are the standard of communication exchanged between public relations professionals and journalists. Editors, producers, reporters, guest bookers and on-air personalities value a well-written press release. Done well a press release proves mightier than a sword to deliver a client’s core message to where you want to be seen and heard, like talk shows, newspapers, magazines, e-zines and radio broadcasts.

The basic building block of any PR campaign is the press kit. Produced in print and electronic formats, press kits convey your project’s unique spirit goal and mission. They include, but are not limited to the following:

    - Press releases
    - Biographies
    - Fact sheets
    - Overviews
    - Headshots and other photos
    - Suggested interview questions
    - Question and answers
    - And, brief DVDs that cover important project elements

Literary Agency

I AM PR operates with the belief that every life bears a unique imprint of God’s hand. In turn, in every person lies potential for at least one good book. Since 2005, I AM PR has been a bridge through the publication process for seasoned to first-time authors who desire help writing book proposals, negotiating contracts, and leveraging relationships that open doors to your first print run.


Go to Contact Us page for query guidelines.

Media Relations
Book Publicity
Literary Agency

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